In the last several months my drivers have endured six dog
After consulting with my drivers and UPS, the policy now is:
- We will NOT deliver to an address that has a dog tied
outside or will otherwise be in reach of the UPS drivr
when making a delivery.
- If we see or hear a dog there; the driver will drive by
and status the package "Not In" or "Attempted Delivery"
- We will not reschedule a delivery, but wait to be contacted.
- Many times we've been told "Its a small dog", or "Its a
friendly dog that doesn't bite," etc. See the above.
- In the past, we have not sought medical treatment because
doing so would result in the police being notified, and likely
the dog would be quarantined or put down. However, from now
on, the afflicted driver WILL go to the E.R., and would likely
result in police intervention and have you billed for the
treatment and lost work days.
We maintain a public presence, General Delivery,
Package Dropoff, and General Chatting at:
UPS Table, Polar Cafe, 205 W Front Street
A few holidays, or natural disasters excepted.
Nome UPS has been in operation since 12/8/1997
Ramon Gandia - Owner / Operator - Nome UPS
Copyright © 2021, Ramon Gandia